Bangkok Bites: Halloween Brunch at Bo.lan

By Dwight Turner

Yesterday, one of Bangkok’s most buzzed about restaurants, Bo.lan, teamed up with the Chuay Dek Foundation to use the breezy afternoon eating and raising money for needy kids.

Rolling sushi at Bo.lan

Rolling a fat one at Bo.lan

Seafood Chowder

The perfect seafood stew for Bangkok's brief spell of cooler weather

Tasty Lod Chong

Nok holding Bo.lan's hand rolled lod chong (ลอดช่อง)

Your ETF bloggers claiming seconds and thirds

Cindy, Nok, & Dwight claiming seconds and thirds at Bo.lan

This was a pretty chill afternoon to catch the restaurant’s founders, running around without their chef’s hats, enthusiastic about giving back to the community.

Dylan on the grill

Dylan of Bangkok's Bo.lan watching the grill

Brunch on the grill

A closeup of brunch on the grill at Bo.lan

Didn’t spot any press at this event, but did have to box out a few proud parents to get shots of these adorable kids in their costumes.

Tiger Costume for Halloween


Fun and games at Bo.lan

Am, a volunteer, assisting with the fun and games

This past Sunday all the hard work eating and playing raised 80,000 baht for charity. The Chuay Dek Foundation is helping children at a school in Mae Hong Son live fuller lives. Visit their website to make a donation and find out more. Thanks Bo.lan for facilitating good and keeping the dishes coming for a feel-good lazy Sunday.


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