Gai Pad Prik Yuak: Stir Fried Chicken with Sweet Peppers

By Mark Wiens

Gai Pad Prik Yuak ไก่ผัดพริกหยวก

Stir Fried Chicken with Sweet Peppers


Gai Pad Prik Yuak ไก่ผัดพริกหยวก



gài pàt prík-yùak


A simple stir fried dish combining a few ingredients in a flaming wok.  The dish emphasizes the sweet yellow yuak peppers which are similar to banana peppers, mild in flavor, and not at all spicy.  Can be ordered with any choice of meat or combination.

Main Ingredients

  • chicken / pork / meat of choice
  • sweet yuak peppers
  • white onions
  • carrots
  • green onions
  • oil
  • fish sauce
  • oyster sauce
  • soy sauce
  • sugar

Where to Eat

Order this dish at any street stall or restaurant where the cook is using a wok, normal dish and easy to cook

Recipes / Information

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